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A-DATA ADATA UV150 32GB USB3.0 Stick Black

Etusivu Muut Muistit Flash-muistit A-DATA ADATA UV150 32GB USB3.0 Stick Black
A-DATA ADATA UV150 32GB USB3.0 Stick Black (AUV150-32G-RBK)

A-DATA ADATA UV150 32GB USB3.0 Stick Black

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 7 arvostelua
  • Muistin koko 32GB
  • Tyyppi USB 3.0, USB A-tyyppi
11,00 €
Varastossa 19

DashDrive UV150

The UV150 combines a classic look with economical pricing, a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface, and an attractive pearlescent exterior. Arriving in colors of striking scarlet and glistening onyx, its minimalist and modern design make it a fashionable and practical accessory both in and out of town.

Now there is no reason to shy away from the higher cost of the USB 3.0 interface. The DashDrive UV150 brings the convenience and speed of premium USB drives to budget-minded consumers.

A handy snap-on cap design keeps the drive cap safe and snug on the rear of the device, preventing the cap from disappearing, as well as looking pretty cool.

The glossy surface of the UV150 will catch eyes and turn heads, and a broad lanyard slot at the base of the drive allows for use with a wider range of carrying straps than is often seen in USB Flash drives

Capacity 8GB/16GB/32GB
Color Black/Red
Dimensions (L x W x H) 58 x 18 x 11mm (L x W x H)
2.3 x 0.7 x 0.4in (L x W x H)
Weight 9g (0.3oz)
Interface USB 3.0, backward compatible with USB 2.0
System requirements  
 Windows XP/Vista/7/8 or later

Mac OSX 10.5 or later

Linux Kernel 2.6 or later

Performance up to: 90MB/s (Read); 20MB/s (Write)
Note: Performance may differ due to variations in platforms and application tools.

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