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A-DATA 32GB UV220 USB 3.0. Black/Blue

Etusivu Muut Muistit Flash-muistit A-DATA 32GB UV220 USB 3.0. Black/Blue
A-DATA 32GB UV220 USB 3.0. Black/ Blue (AUV220-32G-RBKBL)

A-DATA 32GB UV220 USB 3.0. Black/Blue

  • Muistin koko 32GB
  • Tyyppi USB 2.0, USB A-tyyppi
15,00 €
Saatavilla myöhemmin 25.9.2024

The UV220 features a sliding USB connector, which smoothly extends from the drive at the push of a thumb. The capless design eliminates the hassle of lost drive caps. It provides diverse capacities ranging from 8GB to 64GB, enabling you to share faster and store more. Available in four color combinations – white/gray, black/blue, navy/royal blue and pink/turquoise blue to express your personal style.

Quick-slide capless design
The USB connector is concealed in the compact body, fully protected without the need for a drive cap. A simple thumb swipe forward makes it ready to use, and the reverse motion stows the connector for storage or travel.

Your choice, your style
The UV220 is available in 4 unique color schemes: white/gray, black/blue, navy/royal blue, and pink/turquoise blue. Choose your favorite combination and show your style!

Diverse capacity
The UV220 is offered in 8GB to 64GB. Users can choose the capacity they need to store thousands of documents, photos, songs, and movies - convenient for daily life and work.

An easy-go design with strap mount
For added safety and personalization, the UV220 includes a strap mount for attaching to your lanyard or keychain of choice.

Near universal compatibility
Listing the devices you can use the UV220 would take forever. PCs, tablets, smart TVs, in-car systems, game consoles, home entertainment systems, and many more.

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