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4smarts Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (3.Gen.), Flip Case DailyBiz

Etusivu Tietokoneet Kantolaukut 4smarts Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (3.Gen.), Flip Case DailyBiz
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4smarts Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (3.Gen.), Flip Case DailyBiz (467619)

4smarts Apple iPad Pro 12.9 (3.Gen.), Flip Case DailyBiz

  • Koko 12.9"
  • Tyyppi Avattava kotelo
  • Väri Musta
  • Brand Compatibility Apple
  • Compatibility iPad Pro

This flip case is perfectly complemented by the DailyBiz keyboard.Features: * Flip case with magnetic closure * Stable standing and presentation function with three-step angle adjustment * Extremely stable protection of the device backside due to a precisely fitting hard cover * Perfectly fitting protective case with cut-outs for all controls and connectors * Protects your tablet from scratches and bumps  * Inclusive pen holder * Noble, timeless chic flip case for every occasion * Compact dimensions, ideal for taking with you  * Made of durable leatherette * Perfectly compatible with 4smarts Bluetooth Keyboards DailyBiz * The magnetic flap provides a secure hold for the keyboard and prevents it from slipping * Flipcase offers enough space for the tablet as well as the keyboard This flip case not only protects your tablet optimally, but also has a few more features to offer:Thanks to the stable stand and presentation function, you can operate your device at your individually adjusted angle, depending on the viewing angle.Together with the 4smarts Bluetooth Keyboard, your tablet turns into a notebook and makes working even more comfortable and uncomplicated. It doesn't matter whether you're writing creatively, preparing a presentation, or in written contact with customers. This combination of bag and keyboard will help you in any situation.

Huomioi, että kuva on suuntaa-antava ja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta (esim. tietokoneisiin ei välttämättä sisälly näyttöä, vaikka kuvassa sellainen olisikin). Jos tuotenimikkeessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi, lähetä sähköpostia tukeen ennen tuotteen tilaamista.